Greg McLean Partial Discography

Cabin Fever    Greg McLean/Geoff Haydon Jazz Quartet (ACA Digital Recording, 1997)
Happy Feet    Hotlanta Dixieland Jazz (1993)
Here Comes Frani Claus
    Francine Reed (CMO Records CMO 11032, 2000)
Ichiban Blues at Christmas   
Willie Hill (Ichiban Records ICH 1193-2, 1997)
Juke Joint Blues    Blues Boy Willie (Ichiban Records 1181-2, 1995)
Leavin’ Won’t Be Easy    Willie Hill (Ichiban Records 1508-2, 1997)
Matters of the Heart    Nicole Falzone (1996)
Mezzanine    Elise Witt (EMWorld Records EMW-1007, 1993)
Open the Window    Elise Witt (EMWorld Records EMW 1008, 1997)
On Christmas Eve    Dunwoody United Methodist Church Chancel Choir (Dunwoody Methodist
Church, 1997)
Parsonage Lane    Victor Johnson (Way to Blue Music, 2003)
Saints    The New Orleans All Stars (Intersound CDJ 739, 1995)
Stuck Between Rhythm and Blues    Theodis Ealy (Ichiban Records 1185-2, 1995)
Sunnytime Soup    Paula Greenfield (Kiddy Kat Records KCR 10001)
There Ain’t No Jazz Like Dixieland    Hotlanta Dixieland Jazz (1997)
We Were Dancing    Stephanie Pettis and RIo (S. Pettis Music HER 1919, 1997)
William Bell Greatest Hits, Vol. 1&2    William Bell (WILBE Records WIL 4196-2, 4197-2, 1994)